For sea coast location, phosphoric acid plants may be permitted to discharge gypsum into the ocean for disposal. The men were still sprawled on the rock resting quiet. 对于沿海地区,可以允许磷酸丁将石膏排放入海。弟兄们都还摊手摊脚地躺在岩石上,静静养神。
The water in the pool comes from the sea after three-time cycle disposal system including filtration, heating and sterilization. 池中海水从深海中提取,并按国家有关标准设置三次过滤、加温、消毒循环处理系统。
Sea disposal of radioactive waste 放射性废物海洋处置
Land Application, burying in deserted soil, incineration and dumping inside the sea are the main four sewage sludge disposal methods. 城市污泥的处置方式主要有农业利用、陆地填埋、焚烧和排海。
Will there be some sort of mass journey to the throne of God, out of the depths of the sea, out of the innumerable graves, catacombs, crypts, urns and other places of disposal? 在海洋的深处、无数的坟墓、地下陵寝、教堂地下墓室、骨灰盒或者其他放置死人的地方之外,还有其他大众化的旅途(或道路)可去上帝的宝座那里吗?
The invariable cross section diffuser is to be adopted in the sea outfall of Jiaxing marine disposal project, because of the facts of geology and structure. 由于地质、结构等原因,嘉兴市污水处理工程排放口拟采用等截面扩散器。
It is one of the sustainable development countermeasures for the cities along the sea to employ outfall projects for the sewage marine disposal after suitable treatment of the sewage on the lands. 沿海城市充分合理地利用海洋的自净能力,日益增加的大量城市污水收集后,经适当的陆上处理并最终通过深水管排放,是解决城市污水问题及可持续发展的对策之一。
The findings resulted from the research on the hydraulic model for the influent flow status of outlet pumping station of the first phase of the combined sewage sea disposal system in Shanghai are presented here. 本文主要介绍上海市合流污水治理第一期工程出口泵站进水流态的水力模型试验研究成果。
Design and Research for Waste Water Sea Disposal Project in Yantai 烟台市污水排海管道工程设计与研究
Related to the studying on the sea outfall engineering of city sewage disposal, circular jet scouring the loose sediment deposited over the outlet is studied through hydraulic model tests. 结合城市污水海洋处置工程的研究,通过模型试验,研究和探讨了水平圆形射流冲刷淤埋喷口的疏松淤沙的规律。
Meantime, it is possible for domesticated activated sludge to dispose the polluted sea water and enrich golden metal irons such as lithium and uranium as initial disposal reagent. 探讨了用驯化活性污泥处理污染海水、并将污泥作为初期处理剂富集海水中贵重稀有金属如铀、锂的可行性。
Fuxin city garbage landfill site is located in Fuxin urban north-west, a distance of 19 km urban and assumes the sea state, at peace both downtown garbage landfill mission, and waste disposal problems to solve Fuxin city played an important role. 阜新市垃圾填埋场位于阜新市区西北部,距市区19km,担负着海州、太平这2个市中心区垃圾填埋的重任,为解决阜新市垃圾处理问题发挥了重要作用。
Ocean dumping a long history, initially as coastal residents waste disposal; waste from fishing operations in direct discharge to the sea; large-scale solid waste disposal at sea forms. 海洋倾倒活动由来已久,最初表现为沿海居民处理生活垃圾;渔船作业产生的废弃物直接向海洋排放;大型固体废弃物的海上处理等形式。
As the society develops, our problem of the sea environment, especially the problem with ocean disposal, is prominent. 我国是一个发展中的沿海大国,但随着社会的发展,我国的海洋环境特别是海洋倾废问题日益突出。